Wednesday, December 13, 2006

last day at work!

OMG! this is my last day at work! i can't believe the time has come!! i never knew it'd come!! i thought i'd stay here like forever!!! OMG!!!!


everyone's wishing me all the best... and i feel sad.... i feel sad to leave all these nice ppl, nice friends..... gosh....

well, i'm not sure how often i'll be blogging cause i won't be bringing my pc to KL and not sure where i'll be able to go online... with the chance i have, i'll sure to blog... dun worry....

am half way packing, it's already 3 bags full and there's still more to pack!!!... i haven't left home before and i wouldn't know how to pack!! the way i'm packing is like i'm packing for a holiday, but i have to constantly remind myself that i'm not coming back.... not that often i mean, and i'll be starting something new in KL... so i have to bring MOST of my rubbish there.... it's so weird, while going through my things, i found things i thought i lost and i have found stuffs that has loads of memories towards it.... sigh.... they're all in boxes now in one cupboard somewhere in my room....

sigh.. my team is sooo sweet!! they gave me a good bye card! that is wat u called a surprise! something u never expect....

hmm.. better stop now, before i get too emotional!....



Anonymous said...

Are you renting a room? Since you'll be coming back for Xmas, why don't you just take a suitcase of clothes you will defo use especially for work and some going out clothes.

When you are in KL for a few days/a week or two, you'll know what exactly you'll need. It will stop you from having no space in new place as well.

Anyway, all the best and don't worry, you'll be fine as long as you keep your head up/try and be confident. It will be a good life experience and you may eventually love it more than life now. :) Merry Christmas & Happy 2007 as well (in case I don't get to wish in time)!

Alliedmartster said...

Well,,,no wonder Piggy is /was having a sad day!
Good li=uck in your new undertaking in, noisy, sticky, dusty, cramped, KL!
But also has some good points too....enjoy your life experience!

Shimmers said...

staying with a couz.... in GOMBAK!! which is quite far even though i take the train... but it's all good....

thanks allied... it'll be an experience for me for sure!