Tuesday, April 26, 2005


come to think of it .. there is none but it's how one comes back to reality to know that there is no time for depression....

in my quest for answers or rather "remedies" to cure depression.. i thought i'd ask my mum... i know she isn't a role model for some ... but was just curious if she had a "depression" moment in her life...

Fiona: have u had depression in your growing up life?
Mum: what depression? i had no time for depression...

*at this moment i sort of knew that would be her answer as i knew about her growing up "life"...*

Mum: was in school.. after that went to work... weekends i would go out and come back late... used to tell grandad to leave the key hanging at the window....bla bla bla....
Fiona: didn't u hang out with Godma or Aunty Shirley? *mum's sisters*
Mum: no not really, but the time i was that age they left home and got their own families...

*so guess she was like something like me - only child at home*

Mum: but then never did have any depression.. was busy going out....

so ok... i had that "time" where i was a rebel, going out late, clubbing, drinking with people you would NEVER think i'd be hanging out with.... even though that made my cousin and aunty to get really pissed and mad at me thinking that i'm a drunkard... (heck even my parents didn't really get that pissed) but thinking back now... at that time, even though it wasn't a good way of "spending" my time ... at least i wasn't DEPRESSED!!!

now that i'm sober, goody-two-shoes, i'm depressed... so what does that tell me... that it's better to get screwed and not be depressed or not get screwed and get depressed??

but i know... it's better to be not screwed, get depressed but find a way out so that u'll grow into a better person...

*hmm... deep......*

baby.. if u are reading this.. u sure to be proud of me.. hmm??

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