Saturday, January 14, 2006


first weekend work for the year... thought it'd be relaxing? nooooo.... we got to get 2 more to come in cause there would be loads of calls... what a way to start the new year right? sigh.....
now with my fixed working shift.. i have NOOOooo time to do stuff after finishes at 5+ pm... the jam takes 1 hr away... that leaves u to do what ever from 6.30pm onwards.. what can u do? have dinner and then... get to sleep.... cause banks, post office, official offices is closed by then.... so can't do much.... even by the time dinner is over... shops are nearly closed... nothing good is on tv cause the good ones come on at 10+ pm... which is already my bed time! so... not much of a life isn't it! sigh....
i miss my 5am shift.. at least i can have at least nearly half a day to do stuff... not that i got loads to do.. but just knowing u have at least a few MORE extra hrs before your day ends makes u feel better... but i guess it's like that working HERE..... 10 hrs MINIMUM.....
dad's going for his cycling "expedition" again... where .. i dunno.. so he'll be using the car... i think he misses going for these trips.. last month was christmas month... so.. there was no time for him to go... wonder what will happen if we get the kelisa... dunno if he can put his bike in the car... hmmm.... he asked the sales person.. they also dunoo if the back seats can be reclined... sigh.....
been itching to go clubbing eversince christmas time... but had no chance! or should i say no one would follow me!! i mean we do have clubs here that doesn't charge entrance fee... and don't tell me.. u can buy 12 dollar coffee with cake.... which comes up to nearly 15 bucks.. and u can't afford a cocktail for 15 bucks? like once in a BLUE MOON? not to say EVERY weekend... sigh.... maybe they've grown up faster than me AND priorities have changed.... am i still having my priorities wrong?
since working... i feel time passes very fast.. like just now... i just realised we're in the mids of JANUARY!!! and only that day was christmas!!!! fast uh!?
better stop cause calls starting to pour in.....
me want to go clubbing!!!!!! :(

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