Saturday, January 21, 2006

office deco

didn't take any pics....
but it's very chinese-y... at corner at least la... let me see..
one part has those pink jap flowers stuck on branches... there's like 6 bunch of branches... one in each cubile... so that area looks like a flower garden
then there's the cubicles near the pantry, RED cloth hanging from the ceiling... like the ones u see in malls... so it's very red that area because of the lights with the cloth...
there theres chinese fire-crackers with lil lights following the shape on random pillars.. here and there
behind me, on a cupboard, a display of.... wooden rice bucket with a branch in it with jap pink flowers on it and mandarin orange shape lights around it..... with red cloth at the bottom.... and a chinese charater... it's either "Fat" or "Choi"... am not sure... u know the one that they purposely display it up-side down? quite nice actually... i like that the best among the other decos...
then there's a big cubicle where there are 4 cubicles in one, they put loads of those mini honey oranges on the walls of the cubicles.... so cute... when i walk pass, i'm so itchy to take one.. hahahah.. yea!! they're real ones!
in other departments... none actually.... quite sad... first u were used to seeing christmas trees everywhere u walk in this place... then suddenly there was none... and then only one part u see CNY staring at u! hahahaha

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