Thursday, November 24, 2005


nobody calls me by my nickname unless they are my best friends, my old friends or my parents... even my relatives who i've never seen for YEARS never called me by my nickname... but when a new friend starts calling me by my nickname (cause they hear that my good friends call me that) i feel weird.... i know i shouldn't be, but the people who call me by my nickname are the ppl that i'm really comfortable with, gone through alot with them and that i've known them like forever!!!
i know i'm cruel when i say that i tried telling them to call me by my name and not to call me by my nickname, it doesn't get to them, they'll still do it... but because of that ignorance, everyone else keeps calling me by my nickname and i'm really not comfortable with that! i DON'T LIKE THAT!
i never even hung out with them for an outing, or even for a movie or even have heart-to-heart talk, and i myself bearly know them, heck they don't even know if i'm a single child or not or know where i'm staying, or what i like to do, or my habits... and they're calling me by my nickname? ppfftttt.... i don't even introduce myself using my nickname!!! no one's supposed to know my nickname!!! it's like.... ggrrrhhhhh..... *geram-nye*


Rosalind said...

u PMS-ing isit?

Putnumber Editor said...

nickname sometime can worsen a person life, especially its not a good name... haha, i got a good name too...but, dont want to tell you!

Shimmers said...

ros...not pms-ing ler.... just that it feels funny (more of irritated) when ppl u don't really know call u by your nickname.... it's ok if u call me that, cause we are good ol friends but when new friends/ppl call u that its.... just not right

eh sleeker... never ask also bluek!! :P hehehehe