Tuesday, October 09, 2007

a surprise gift

gosh... i love this!!

when i was back for her wedding, the day before i met up with the dugong babes.... promised myself i'll see my cousin as i haven't seen her for quite a while... so, i met them for supper (though we didn't eat - they had the Tao buffet, so they were stuffed) at starbucks...

but when i met them at Tao.. before i could ask how they were, and start chit-chatting... they quickly covered my eyes and handed me a present! ooohh ooohh.. it was soo thrilling!!... what a surprise! hahahhaah

so i held this plastic box... felt like a watch case... then they asked me to try to open it EYES CLOSED!! hahahah... and i managed to do it... (good with my hands i'd say.. heheheh) and it WAS a watch.. a SWATCH!!! i've always been a fan of Swatch eversince my dad got my first when i was 16 or so... and that was a GLOW-IN-THE-DARK one! (i just LOVE glow-in-the-dark stuffs!!)
and now... thanks to the dugongs! i HAVE a watch!! hehehe.. a velvety one though.. which means i'll only wear it for "special" occasions.. hahaha... no la.. i meant like when i'm out.. it's not meant for everyday use anyway... :D

thanks guys!!! muacks!!
collage done by rosie pig - see my cousin closing my eyes.. and me trying to pose "ah-lian" style (fail man!)
eeeee my watch!!!

u like my T?

rosie loves to have her "fingers" taken in pictures

1 comment:

gbdutton said...

how ironic i jz lost my watch n it was my 16th b'day present from my parents *sobs*