Wednesday, September 27, 2006

of tv shows..

i came home extremely early yesterday, 6.45pm! and i finish work at 6pm! record wei!! ahahahah... yea there was the usual cars on the road but everyone was moving... the SAME pace.. so that was good....

it's been a very long time since i came home early... and not do anything... can't really go online, cause now dad hogs the pc.. he has his chess games going on at that particular time....

had dinner early and it was TV time!! yeah!!! watched Grey's Anatomy then Alias! OMG i haven't seen Alias for sooo damn long!!! i was eager to see what has happend and it looked like Sydney and Vaughn got engaged and was going for a hol... so sweet... then the action begins, she's pregnant, he's a double agent and the SHOCKINGLY sad part was that he got shot and died... slowly.. in the hospital!!! soi man!!!! i mean... after so long i didn't watch Alias, this time i watched it, it's so depressing.... the guy must die... it was so BLOODY SAD man!! sigh... so depressing.... it's like.. they were to get married... they were to have a baby.. and they were so good together....

WHY!!!! oohh WHY must Vaughn DIE????!!!!!

i think i better try to stop making tv shows so personal... no life..

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