Friday, August 12, 2005


what a month.....

was in KL straight after my thesis, then to sydney for 3 weeks and another week in KL for my cousins wedding... had no time to sit down and think and come to my senses....

so now i'm back... am starting to settle down... got to start anew... get my resume done... make copies of my certs... hunt for jobs..... AND.... sort of get a short term life plan started.....

anyway.. here are some pics from my grandad's 90th birthday and cousins wedding....

Laura, Leigh and I at grandad's 90th (belated) birthday bash

the whole family

the grandkids and great-grandkids

Laura walking down the isle with her dad (Uncle Phillip)

the family

first dance

Laura in her second outfit for the evening...

(practically everyone -esp the europeans were either in baju kebaya or cheongsam type of outfits. was a very colourful sight that night....)


Anonymous said...

Did you have some 'clits' again?
Just in case if you wonder what the heck I am talking about. Try recalling fish & co and you might not wat i am toking about. No? Then think about the mussels. Remember now?

Shimmers said...
