Monday, March 28, 2005

what a weekend....

i'm back.. and it's a whole new week....

summary of the weekend


was supposed to go to church, but my mum was late in fetching me and by the time we picked up grandad from the Home and reached BM, it was 8.30 pm and mass was at 8pm!!! so what to do.. didn't go for mass


couldn't sleep last night.... abit excited bout the reunion... got up late.. watched tv... then started to get ready for the dinner...

wasn't too sure what to wear... grand? casual? normal?... so i ended up with my jeans skirt and my new blouse my mum got me (the one from Padini)... then make up? put or not to put.. decided to put then was thinking.. too much or what??? so.... managed to tone the make up down abit and by the time i was done... i was SWEATING again!!! it was sooo hot!!!!! and luckily i had another 10 mins to spare (meeting is at 6.30pm)... to come downstairs, get my shoes, start the car and go fetch Pauline (who's just down the road from my place) and go to the meeting place...

there (at the meeting place - Juru AutoCity Secret Recipie) at first no one was there but after a few minutes 2 of them came... then was chatting... one was hungry... one was asking who else coming... then 2 more came.. so there was 6 of us... and by 7pm we found out so many other of our classmates PPK (pang pui ki - say coming but last minute not coming)

then there was another problem... WHERE TO EAT?!!!! i was mentioning Tambun (seafood) then a steak (cheap) house behind Pacific MegaMall.. one said the food there wasn't too nice... and one said just eat at Secret Recipie (where we were waiting...) but in the end it was Tambun... there.... had to wait AGAIN for another 2!!! this time i already finished my second glass of cold chinese tea!!! and all of us were HUNGRY!!!! i think by 8.30pm or so the last 2 came and we started to eat... and in 20 minutes... we were done!! hahahhaha... but we stayed around chit chatting...

the sweetest thing happened.... it was Pauline's birthday!!! i sort of forgot to tell the others earlier only at Tambun i told them... wanted to get a Banana Split for her (cause that's the only desert they have) put a candle and sing "Happy Birthday" to her.. but then.. no Banana Spilt.. they had only "Fried Ice Cream" ... so be it....8 pieces of friend ice cream came... put in front of Pauline... had the candle and we all sang Happy Birthday to her.... hahahh she looked like she wanted to cry too!!! aawwww...

pauline and her 'cake'

we then continued updating with each other... and others who are not here.. on what we were doing, where we were, married or not, bf problem, who has kids, who broke up, who's working where... and the whole lot... then we decided on Coffee Bean next

8 girls of 5C who came...

at Coffee Bean... it was raining and had no place to sit!!! just imagine... 7 of us (Jessica went back early) hanging around inside Coffee Bean waiting for a place to sit.. (at the same time making so much noise!!!) then we managed to find a place, got our drinks and another girl came.... and continued chat, giggle (more of histerical laughing) and lots of pics were taken.... some are still in my camera... got to finish the film up, get it developed and then find a SCANNER to scan the pics!!!!!


had to get up early... go to Easter Mass at St. Anne's Church ... thank God there was a 10am mass!!! hahahhaha.... went with mum, dad and grandad....

then went for a buffet lunch at Equatorial with the Yews, compliments from cousin in Bahrain too... and i ate and ate and ate until i can't eat anymore!!!! it's been such a while since i ate such nice food and alot too!!! without bothering so much on how much will it cost!!.....

came back home and slept!! slept like a pig!!!!!

got up for dinner... yes!!! dinner with parents and grandad and a family friend... mum fetched me and went to YMCA for dinner.. that's where my grandad likes the food.... so i ate soo much today!!!!!

and MONDAY......

didn't feel too good (no... not because of eating too much...) it's because i had a talk with my baby.... that i can't depend on him too much for my emotional 'problems' and that i needed to take some things on my own.... but the call ended well... it was just that 'talk' bout self esteem and looking within ourselves....

and now in college... writing this......

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