Thursday, March 03, 2005

the finish line.......

wasn't too keen to go to college today.... didn't get any replies from my 'source' so not really motivated to go..... but i had to...
in college, i checked my email and my supervisor told me i got to expand my network - include a wireless client with an access point! sigh... how am i to do that?!!! my original network is not really 100% done yet!! and she's asking me to do extra!!!!! aarrggghhhh......
and she told me that my two friends who were under her, she dropped them. she didn't want to supervise them anymore!!!! gosh!!! i'm sooooo happy for them!! how i wished it was me!! at least they don't have to deal with her anymore.....
sigh, i really hope to get a reply from my 'source'... without him... i'm lost!!!!!soo soo soooooo lost!!!
was talking to my friend, sharon and i found out that she has a new crush!!! and this guy, is of Indonesian royal blood!! can u believe that!! and it seems he looks like harry potter... well that i don't know about that, i haven't seen him face to face before. for the first time in soooo long i have not heard her so excited and happy!!! knowing how much trouble and problem she had to go through moving to kl and studying there. at least now she has some happy moments in uni...i'm so happy for u sharon!
sigh.... i'm getting abit worked up and restless bout my thesis.... it's like i can see the finish line but my body isn't going towards it!!! it's just standing there, not moving!! i'm trying to move but it wouldn't budge!!!! rrggghhhhh.....

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