Tuesday, February 14, 2006

LoVe is in the angin!

though everyone thinks its the day for couples and lovers... but i think it's a day to remember your loved ones, be it friends, family, pets....
to my mum and dad... love u guys very much, sorry for being a brat at times... hehehe
to my uncles, aunties, cousins all over the world... i'm glad u guys are around, though i may not have seen u before or have not seen u much, but to those who i have had a connection, thanks for all the good memories....
to my fellow friends... the DUGONGs especially!! thanks for all the good times, i know we have grown apart, seldom meet, but i'm sure we're still in each others mind. Rosalind, my partner in crime at work... thanks for being there for me and helping me and being my company (there's so much to say.....),and Ben, my part-time partner in crime at work (hehehe) thanks for keeping me company, and guiding me through the "ways of hell" hahha....
to my colleagues, thanks for making work more "interesting" and for your friendship..
to my beloved Bee Choo and Sharon, i'm SOOO thankfull that u've been there for me, giving me the opportunity of heart-to-heart chats, to Pauline, thanks for being there even though u were not there physically.. u know what i mean, Jessica, thanks so much for our friendship (even though we both are too busy to meet.. heheh) and Nooreen, miss u so much babe!!!

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