Friday, October 13, 2006

tea snack

i bought my snack for tea...
and i've eaten it at 2pm....
i got nothing till i go home...
unless i take instant soup... blueegghh....
what am i to do till 6????
it's 4.30 and drinking liquids is not doing the job.....


Anonymous said...

You could do what I do, stock up on food at work. My bottom drawer of my pedestal (deep enough to stand lever arch folders upright and wide enough to have 3 thick ones or so) is full of just food!

Even my friends know when they are peckish, "raid Leyna's drawers!" :D

Shimmers said...

hahah i do have my lil "kitchen" at my bottom drawer, but it's all instant noodles and cookies... which sometimes i'm lazy to go to the pantry for hot water.. or just not into cookies....

i guess deep down, i just need to get away from my desk to go to the canteen just to chill with a drink for at least 15 mins... sigh... work....